Find an instructor

Locate the instructor in your area from the list below. Each instructor's name links to their directory page so you can contact them to inquire about classes in your area.

Name Counties where they teach
Katie Pemberton Buchanan, Nodaway
Vacant Franklin, Gasconade, Lincoln, Montgomery, Warren
Jeremiah Terrell Randolph, Macon, Pike
Jessica Trussell DeKalb, Lafayette, Livingston
Amber Allen Greene, Jasper
Tina Edholm Cooper, Howard, Pettis, Saline
Vacant Pulaski, Phelps
Kyleigh Brown Cass, Johnson, Henry, Polk, Hickory
Vacant Camden, Laclede
Kathy Dothage Osage
Kale Monk Boone, Callaway
*NOTE: Classes in Boone and Callaway counties are only being offered online at this time. For more information, see the FOK Online FAQ page.


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