
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

View past years’ trial reports.

J.L. Chlapecka
Rice State Extension Specialist
Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center

Experimental procedures for rice cultivar trials

Plot management: All flood-irrigated plots are drilled as 18 feet in length with a 3-foot alley and seven rows wide with a 2-foot alley, while furrow-irrigated plots are drilled as 18 feet in length with a 2-foot alley and seven rows wide with a 2-foot alley. Row spacing is 7.5 inches. The agronomic information for each location, including nitrogen management and irrigation strategy, is included on the following page. Trials located on research stations were managed using University of Missouri recommendations, while on-farm locations were managed according to each farmer’s management style. The goal of having trials at different locations including on-farm sites is to evaluate the rice cultivars under different management practices common to the Bootheel area.

Entries: There were 30 entries evaluated in 2023. Entries are solicited from each of the rice seed growers in the Mid-South and include popular commercial varieties as well as some pre-commercial lines, which are generally one to two years away from release.

Data collection: Rice grain yield and milling yield were collected at all locations. A 7- to 8-foot alley, depending upon location, was cut with a brush hog width-ways, whereas the plots then become 13 to 14 feet long for harvest. All seven rows were harvested. Total plot weight was then divided by the area harvested (6.33 feet wide by 13 to 14 feet long) and adjusted to 12% moisture. A one pound sample was collected from each plot for milling, which was accomplished with a PAZ-1 laboratory mill (Zaccaria USA, Anna, TX). Milling results are reported as percent head rice milling yield (%HR) minus percent total white rice milling yield (%TR). Canopy height and days to 50% heading were also measured for the majority of sites. Lodging was recorded at harvest at the sites where lodging existed.

Experimental design: All trials utilize a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and are analyzed in SAS v9.4 using the PROC GLIMMIX procedure.

Data tables

  • Agronomic Information
  • Trial Averages
    • Planting Date Grain Yield
    • Hybrid vs Inbred Comparison
    • Planting Date Milling Yield
    • Furrow-Irrigated Grain Yield
    • Furrow-Irrigated Milling Yield
    • On-Farm Flood-Irrigated
    • 2-Year Cultivar Trial Averages
  • Rice Farm Planting Dates (Flood-Irrigated)
    • March 15
    • April 4
    • April 20
    • May 16
    • June 6
  • Portageville Planting Dates (Flood-Irrigated)
    • March 16
    • April 3
    • April 19
    • May 19
    • June 13
  • Furrow-Irrigated Rice
    • Rice Farm
    • Portageville
    • Rives
  • Agronomic Averages


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Publication No. SR701