Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center

Demonstrations and research at the 375-acre Hundley-Whaley Research Center are made possible through the generosity of Elma Hundley and Lulu Whaley. Projects focus on the best management practices and economics for corn and soybeans. The research center is noted for excellence in pesticide evaluations and comparisons. Projects with a sustainable agriculture orientation are emphasized.

On the outskirts of Albany and located on second bottom river soils, this Center provides an optimum location for agronomic studies including testing and comparison of new varieties and new products.

Research also addresses improved management practices for crops, timber and bottomland soils. Ongoing research projects focus on the best management practices and economics for corn and soybeans.

The 375-acre research center, located in Gentry County, is involved in pesticide evaluations and comparisons, and sustainable agriculture concepts.

1109 S Birch St

Albany, MO 64402-2603


The 375-acre research center is involved in pesticide evaluations and comparisons, and sustainable agriculture concepts.
