
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Choosing Foods for You10 lessons

Students will use the current USDA food graphic to learn the recommended amounts of food to eat from the five food groups each day. They learn to read and use food labels to make healthy food choices and how to make healthy choices when eating out. Students analyze how social influences like family, media and peers affect body image. They also learn that physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle. Each lesson contains learning objectives, supplies needed, core activities and additional activities. Lessons have been cross-referenced with the Missouri Grade Level Expectations and National Health Standards. Classroom handouts are included.

The curriculum is three-hole punched and comes with a cover and spine that can be slipped into a binder with clear front and side pockets.

Publications numbers for fourth grade newsletters are N160 (Lesson 1), N161 (Lesson 2), N162 (Lesson 3), N163 (Lesson 4), N164 (Lesson 5), N165 (Lesson 6), N166 (Lesson 7), N167 (Lesson 8), N169 (Lesson 9) and N170 (Lesson 10).


  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Dairy
  • Protein foods
  • Breakfast
  • Nutrition facts
  • Food safety
  • Hunger
  • Digestion
  • Advertising


  • 172
Publication No. SMN402
Price $30