Board of Trustees

The Missouri 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees is a group of business and community leaders from across the state. These dedicated volunteers lead the effort to give focus and vision to the Missouri 4-H Foundation, support projects, and represent the Missouri 4-H Foundation in their communities. Through their dedication, they ensure that Missouri 4-H continues to meet the evolving needs of Missouri's youth.


Earl Niemeyer, Pike County


Baylee Asbury, Moniteau County David Baker, Boone County
Kelli Jo Buettner, Callaway County Jenise Burch, Vernon County
Mark Cadle, Worth County Samantha Davis, Monroe County
Lupita Fabregas, Boone County Clark Fobian, D.V.M., Pettis County
Mark Goth, St. Charles County Wendy Hall, Clay County
Dana Haynes, St. Charles County Joan Hickman, Buchanan County
Chadwick Higgins, Boone County Kyle Kerns, St. Louis County
Doug Kueker, Jackson County Wendy Loges, Saline County
Laura Long, Monroe County Brad McCord, Moniteau County
Don Nikodim, Boone County Ruth Pirch, Jackson County
Earl Niemeyer, Pike County Travis Scott, Boone County
Christine Tew, Cole County Ernie Verslues, Boone County
Eric Volmer, Cole County  

MAE4-HYW Representatives

Emily Bergsieker, Lafayette County

Tanner Adkins, Franklin and Gasconade County

State 4-H Council Representatives

Gracen James, Cape Girardeau County

Taylor Muench, Cape Girardeau County

Emeritus Trustees

Lynn K. Ballew, Cass County Mary Davis, Clay County
Anne Deaton, Ed.D., Boone County Robert "Bob" Fridley, St. Charles County
Gale Hankins, Cass County Konrad Heid, Jasper County
Don Henderson, Camden County Robert E. "Bud" Hertzog, D.V.M., Jackson County
Charles Hunt, Jefferson County Robert “Bob” Idel, Gasconade County
Pat Koenigsfeld, Osage County Dale R. Ludwig, Osage County
Linda J. Scorse, D.V.M., Newton County Diane Olson, Cole County
Jim Tobin, St. Louis County George Thomas, Boone County
Leroy Van Dyke, Pettis County Marla J. Tobin, M.D., Johnson County